If you need something not on our online store or currently out of stock please send a message via Contact Us page. Currently out of stock are white 19mm bra shoulder straps, black and white 5 mm laminated foam and 3mm nude laminated foam.

About us

My bra making journey started in 2012. It was our 10th wedding anniversary and I wanted something special. Something sexy with some lace and support to celebrate this special occasion. Sadly I could not find anything in my size. The t-shirt type of nightdresses just wouldn't do!
Realizing that I cannot be unique in my quest for beautiful lingerie in bigger sizes, I enrolled in a bra making class. Bra making was soon followed by swimwear and lingerie making classes and Women with Curves Lingerie was born.
Eventually in 2015 when I needed different and vibrant colours of fabric and elastic, I started buying elastics in wholesale quantities and hand dyed it to my requirements. This was also the beginning of a new venture of selling bra making supplies to other bra makers in South Africa and Namibia.
In 2017 I started to import patterns from Bra Makers Supply in Canada.  June 2018 marked the decision to create a separate and new website for my bra making supply business. Bra Makers South Africa was launched in August 2018.